To make manipulations with jobs, you should have at least one resource with the Create, edit, and delete jobs access right.
To create a new job, press the New button. In the dialog choose job type:
Then follow instructions in the dialog. For any type, you have to select units to apply this job to and set the basic parameters like activation time and schedule. For each type of job, adjust also individual parameters described below.
Selecting Units for Jobs and Notifications
Access required: Use unit in jobs, notifications, routes, retranslators (resource’s creator where the job belongs is supposed to have this access to units to assign then this job).
Dialog of choosing units for a job or notification consists of the units currently displayed in the work list of the Monitoring panel.
If you see no units, press the Display all button . If it does not help, it means there is not enough access to any of units.
You can switch between units and groups by clicking the switch-button /
. If a unit group have been selected, then the action is applied to all the units the group contains on the moment of action implementation. The list of current units you can find in a group’s tooltip.
Mark units/groups to apply a job/notification to. Put the flag in the header of the table to select all items.
Please note that if there are more than a hundred units on this page, their icons are not displayed.
Upon editing a job/notification, units selecting dialog contains both units selected for a job/notification and units currently displayed in the work list. In order a unit to be listed in the dialog, it is necessary to possess the Use unit in jobs… access right towards this unit. If a job or notification that you are editing contains units to which you do not possess enough rights, you will be warned about it and in case you save the job/notification, those units will be lost.
Parameters for Jobs
These parameters are adjusted in the last page of the dialog:
It is used in the list of jobs or as mail topic if the job is to send some information by e-mail.
Job description is optional. Is can appear in the job tooltip.
Execution schedule
Use one of two ways to set the schedule:
(1) Periodic execution — each N hours and/or minutes.
(2) On schedule. Execution time is set in 24-hour format hours:minutes or just hours. If you need to indicate several points in time, separate them with spaces. Example:
8:00 22:00
In this case, the job will be executed at 8 AM and 10 PM daily (if other conditions concerning execution days are not set on the Time Limitation tab).
Activation time
Date and time when the job will be activated.
Maximum executions
Enter the number of job executions after which the job will be automatically disabled. If you leave this field empty, the job will be executed endlessly until you delete it or disable manually.
This check box indicated whether the job is on or off. When creating a job, enable this check box to activate the job just after creation. If this check box is not marked, the job will appear on the list anyway, and you can activate it later.
Time limitation
In the right part of the dialog one can define time limitations by days, months, time, etc. For instance, the job can be assigned to a unit just on weekdays and within working hours from 9 AM to 6 PM. Or you may want to reset traffic counter once a month on the first day of the month. To do this, select the day 1.
Job name and schedule are required fields, other parameters are optional.
To get the daily report, select the For previous 1 days interval of the report and enter some night time, e.g. 3 am, in the execution schedule. Then, when you come to work, all the necessary reports for the previous day will already be in your e-mail box.
If the workday ends after midnight, as some cars may arrive late, the daily report can be configured in the following way. Select the For previous 24 hours interval of the report, and enter 4 am as the activation time for the job. Then the report will automatically be executed once a day, at 4 am, and will contain the analysis of the data for the past day. In this case, the trips that end after midnight will not be split into two parts.
To receive a weekly report, select the For previous 1 weeks report interval, enter some night time in the execution schedule, and in the time control limit, select Monday. Thus, by Monday you will have reports for the past week.
To receive a monthly report, select the For previous 1 months report interval, specify the time in the execution schedule, and in the time control limit, check the box of the first day of the month. Thus, the corresponding report will arrive on the first day of each month for the previous month.